Online Retail
Professionalising a rapidly growing business


The client was an online retailer of domestic lighting and ancillary products. It was privately owned. The majority shareholder had founded the company some five years earlier. The company had rocketed in size during that five year period.

The business traded through market places (Amazon and Ebay) and it’s own websites. It also had a wholesaling business selling commercial lighting products. At the time of the start of the assignment total turnover was circa £10m and the business split was 85% retail and 15% wholesale.

The Brief

The principal shareholder/Managing Director had done a brilliant job in establishing the business and growing it to become a £10m business within a 5 year timeframe. He had reached the stage where he was approaching exhaustion and he wanted to look at the available options for the future of the business.

The initial brief was to carry out a strategic review of all of the available options for the business and for the shareholders. The brief subsequently changed as described in the next section.


The strategic review was carried out and the merits and pitfalls of all of the available options were considered. The MD was unsure which option to take for a period of time so my brief during this time was to start to build reporting systems for the business. There had been no Finance Director until this point and available information was very limited.

During this time, it became clear that the preferred option was not to sell the business but to continue to grow organically without any third party investment. However, an essential part of the preferred strategy was to re-engineer the day job of the MD and to set the business infrastructure up to run like a business of much greater scale.

My brief therefore changed from acting as a consultant playing devil’s advocate and guiding them on the strategy going forward into (1) acting as the First Finance Director and developing all things financial and (2) acting at the Business Partner to the MD and planning and implementing a strategy to establish the business as a professionally run organisation that was not totally reliant upon the efforts of the MD.

Over the next couple of years, the following activities took place.


The journey that the company went through over a four year period was very testing and massively rewarding. The business grew from a £10m turnover business to circa £35m turnover business. Headcount grew from 35 to 105.

During that period, all audits were completed smoothly and without any adjustments. The auditors described the audits as ‘’squeeky clean’.

The bottom line was very acceptable (8% return on sales) despite the very low exchange rates on the USD. The Balance Sheet was strong. Cash reserves were deep. Stock availability was good.

The business now had very solid foundations. The day job of the Managing Director had changed out of all recognition. He now focused on looking forward, strategy and benchmarking against market leaders who were recognised as best in class. He brought their ways of working back to his business. The day to day activities within the business were owned and controlled by his team.

The director / minority shareholder had commenced backing out of the business and his successor already had a strong grip on supply chain activities.

The business now had a management team, processed and reporting systems that were fit for a business twice it’s size.


What our clients say

Managing Director, LSE Retail Group

“ Les, as first Finance Director of the business, developed financial, commercial and operational reporting systems and KPIs and he professionalised the Finance team and our relationships with banks and third party advisors.

The company has been future-proofed and it’s infrastructure is now sufficient to grow the business to £50m sales from the current £30m level.”

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